One day, the world came to an abrupt and devastating end.
Along with the chaos came a strange and ominous decree: “The absolute being in the corner of the house cannot leave the corner of the house.”
Bound by this mysterious rule, you’re forced to adapt to an unimaginable reality. Every decision and every step must be carefully calculated as you fight for survival. With danger lurking at every turn, your ultimate goal remains clear—to protect your family and find a way to save them from the apocalypse.
Alternative(s) :
Absolute Dweller ; El soberano del hogar ; The Absolute Ruler of the House ; Absolute Person in Every Corner ; 집구석 절대자
The Ultimate Shut-In is a manhwa series available in both English and raw language versions. As an Fantasy-packed story, its English chapters have been translated and are accessible for reading on Here's a brief summary of what it's about:
One day, the end of the world suddenly came.
"The absolute being in the corner of the house cannot leave the corner of the house"